Now in its 17th year! Thanks to all who attended this year’s Word & Note. And special thanks to Plymouth members who volunteered. None of this is possible without your support! Stay tuned for news about next year’s guests for 2026 Word and Note.
FRIDAY “My Exvangelical Journey: Loving, Living and Leaving the Church that was Home” This talk will cover why and how I wrote the book, including stories from my own evangelical background, my work as a political journalist covering evangelicals, and what I’ve learned from my conversations with others who’ve walked a similar path. This will include a couple of short readings and time for Q&A.
SATURDAY “Faith, Politics, and the 2024 Election” This lecture will focus on my experiences as a political reporter with a focus on the 2024 campaign and its aftermath, my memories from covering the 2016 campaign and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and reflections from my reporting since Election Day, with a particular focus on the role of religion in these public debates. This session also will include significant time for audience Q&A.
SUNDAY “New Life in the Wilderness” This relatively brief talk will bring many of the themes from the weekend full circle, recapping the highlights of my own spiritual journey with reflections on what I’ve learned since leaving evangelicalism, how my work has informed my faith, and vice versa, and a few thoughts on living with and among difference.
Mark A. Miller has a passion for building community through music and believes that everyone is a child of God. He adheres to Cornel West’s belief that “Justice is what love looks like in public.”
A graduate of Yale and Juilliard, Mark is Professor of Church Music, Director of Chapel, and Composer-in-Residence at Drew University. He is also a Lecturer in Sacred Music at Yale University’s Institute of Sacred Music and Divinity School, and Minister of Music of Christ Church in Summit, New Jersey. Previously, he provided musical leadership for Marble Collegiate Church and The Riverside Church (both in New York City).
His sacred music is widely published and sung by communities of faith around the world. Mark’s Let Justice Roll (for chorus and orchestra) was performed for “Juneteenth Celebration: All American Freedom Day” in 2019 at Carnegie Hall. His newest album, Revolution of the Heart, is available on iTunes.